1. Get right with God - You don't have to be old to die, but at this point, you've beaten the odds. Without delay, take some serious time and consider your relationship with the Lord (Not what you WANT it to be... but WHAT IT IS). All things being equal, you'll be seeing the Lord sooner than most... so you really want to have things right. Spend the rest of your life being a faithful example for believers. Teach your children to teach their children the Bible. What a shame it would be to get to Heaven and be missing some of your family members. Your leadership in this area will help ensure, as much as possible, that everyone will be there. The Lord is so good, and His mercies endure forever. Walk with Him, and lead others to do the same.
2. Make or Update your will - This is just good to do, no matter what age you are. The last thing you want, is for your family to be fighting over "stuff". As a pastor, I have seen sweet families turn ugly on one another over the house, jewelry, Mom's collection of "whatever", and Dad's guns. Please... have mercy on your grieving family, and get everything lined out ahead of time.
3. Make a living will - How long do you want to be on life-support? What if you are in a temporary, medically-induced coma, then have a heart attack? Do you really want your family to have to make these decisions? Do they know your wishes? Write it down. If you wait until you are already circling the drain, it'll be too late.
4. Have a Power of Attorney in place - There should be someone designated (and a back-up) to make important decisions for you, if/when you are unable to speak for yourself. Make sure that person knows your desire, agrees to serve you and your family in that capacity, and knows where the document is that gives them that authority/responsibility. Your P.O.A. can be as broad, or specific, as you like. Try to think of everything, because people get emotional and stressed when you are so sick/injured that you can't speak for yourself.
5. Forgive - I meet with lots of families, and it seems that so many people live with unnecessary regrets. Give up whatever happened in the past, and just forgive. It's not weakness, it's not for the other person... it's good for you... it's needful for you. Unforgiveness gives someone from your past, power over your present... and that just ain't right. Truly forgive, and see how much more freedom you feel.
6. Go see your family - We are all so busy. Make all the memories you can. Spend some precious time with kids and grandkids. It'll be good for you, and especially good for them. As of this writing, we buried my Mom two months ago. Those last few visits are all the more precious.
7. Take lots of pictures - Photos capture memories, and can live on forever. They are a constant reminder of your love, special times, and other memories. The more, the better. It's a precious thing to look at photos from relatives that live far away, or that have already passed away.
8. Leave something behind - The Bible says: Proverbs 13:22 "A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children:...". What do you have to leave behind that might be a blessing to someone? Personally, I have the shotgun that belonged to my father, when he was just a boy. When I hunt with it, I love to call and share the details of the hunt with Dad. I have my Great Uncle's old BB-gun. I have great memories of shooting that bb gun, that earned me that BB-gun! We also have items from my wife's side of the family, including a beautiful hutch, many beautiful paintings, and tons of family memories. Whether it's a piece of furniture, a special gun, a painting, a trust fund, or a piece of special jewelry... there are some sweet treasures that can be passed along, that can provide joy... and you don't have to wait until you are gone to be a blessing. Also, it doesn't have to be just your family that gets blessed. You could leave a gift to a friend, to a special co-worker, or to the work of the Lord. We've had older church members that did amazing things for the Lord, gave sacrificially to the physical and financial parts of the ministry, and were a blessing all the way to the end of their life here on Earth... and even beyond.
9. Have some fun - You aren't getting any younger, and probably not getting more healthy. It's now or never. Take that trip, walk that trail, jump out of that plane, take that cruise, go for high-score on Pac-Man, take that mission trip, go fishing... do something. Keep moving, take up a hobby, and never slow down on purpose.
10. Stop being "busy" - Of all the 90+ year old people I know (and I know several), NOT ONE of them tells me about how they wish they had worked more overtime, completed one more work project, or attended one more meeting. It's always regrets about not spending more time with family, not doing more for the Lord, and not taking time to take better care of themselves. Time's a wastin'!! There's no better time than the present to get your priorities right. Busy is the battle cry of the family that's falling apart. Take time to love, teach, and influence your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. They need you... now. We aren't guaranteed tomorrow...
I'm not an old person, I just look like one. Seriously, this is all really good advice. Thanks for posting.
ReplyDeleteMore "pearls" from maybe the wisest man I know. Thank you!