Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Pastor David Grice
Lighthouse Baptist Church Grand Prairie, Texas

1.  Be spiritual - Make sure you are not living a carnal life.  Read your Bible and pray a bunch.

2. Be faithful and on time - Be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there or before, every single time.

3. Have some character - God can use you, if you will let him.  Don't do anything that would cause someone to question your character.  Learn to do right by reflex.

4. Be involved - Do stuff.  Do all the stuff.  Get your hands dirty.  Nothing should be happening around your church that you aren't involved in.  If you're married, get your wife involved too.  It's important that you serve the Lord together!  You learn by doing, and learning is what you need!  Do stuff!

5. Be helpful - Don't wait to be asked.  Nobody should have to hunt you down all the time, to see if you can help.  Initiate help by jumping in.  Learn to be a leading servant to whomever you can.

6. Be smart - Think about what you are saying and doing.  Think through processes and do things that make sense.

7. Don't cause problems - Your pastor has enough on his plate without worrying about what you are doing, and why.  Your pastor will most likely stand behind you, but don't make him constantly have to clean up your messes, or bail you out trouble.

8. Give - You want to be a leader?  Be a leader in giving.  Giving tells more about a person's heart than just about anything else.

9. Don't quit - Our land is littered with quitters.  You do what God called you to do... no matter what.  Your dedication and "sticktoitiveness" could motivate others to keep going... or to get back in.  Don't quit... ever.

10. Learn -  Learn all you can.  When you think you know it all... know that you have a lot to learn.  Never stop learning.  That Bible is a sword... learn to use it properly.

         -- Bro. David Grice

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