Thursday, September 17, 2015

Advice About Finances

1. Money is NOT the root of all evil.  Paul admonished Timothy about the LOVE of money:

1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 

Some people's fascination & desire for money has led to their ruin.  Don't get carried away with the pursuit of money.

2. Money can't buy you happiness -  (While it can buy Camaros and tacos...and that's really good...happiness is not in the catalog.)  We need to learn to be content with where we are at the moment, while being motivated to pursue our goals, hopes, and dreams.  (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

3. Don't spend more than you make - You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to figure that out, but you do have to be really steadfast to put it into practice. (Proverbs 22:7)

4. Work - Don't be a bum.  Work really smart and really hard.  Don't be lazy!  You need to provide for the needs of your family.  Tragedy strikes, layoffs happen, and sometimes people genuinely need some help...but in most cases, the first place you should look for a helping hand is at the end your own arm.  Get busy taking care of your yourself and your family (1 Timothy 5:8)

5. Make wise decisions - Do some research, and be wise when it comes to your finances.  Many families are struggling, because of self-inflicted wounds.  We can't always get it right, but we can learn from our mistakes, and quit making them over and over again.  (Proverbs 22:3)

6. Stop rolling one car debt into the next one - Something is wrong if the car you are driving is worth less than what you owe.  Either you made a poor choice when you purchased the vehicle, or you didn't take care of it once you got it.  Either one is not good, and should not be lumped into the price (debt) of the next vehicle.  This starts you off "upside down" in your next vehicle, even before you drive it off the lot.  Somehow, get yourself caught up on your vehicle costs, and learn to take care of your equipment. (Proverbs, your eyes didn't deceive you...isn't that awesome?)

7. Save money - Put money back for rainy days (or weeks or months).  If you're not prepared for a layoff, extended illness, or other major problem, you could find yourself in a lot of distress.  Financial professionals advise two or three months of living expense as an "emergency fund".  While that doesn't seem realistic for people who are living paycheck to paycheck...your inability to have this should tell you that you are living beyond your means. Make changes (in income or outflow) so that you can adequately provide for your matter what. (Proverbs 13:11)

8. Wait - Be willing to wait for things that you can't afford today, rather than instantly putting every "want" on a credit card.  Think of credit cards as DEBT cards...because that's exactly what they are.  (Luke 14:28)

9. Have some fun - I had a relative ask me how we afforded to go on vacations.  Because I'm very direct, I asked him how much he spent on Copenhagen, how much his wife spent on cigarettes, how much they spent on beer, how much they spent on lottery tickets,

how much they spent going to the movies, and so on.  We don't spend money on any of those things...and it adds up. We choose, instead, to spend a little on trips.

Just because you don't make a lot of money, doesn't mean you can't have some fun...and you can't put a price on making memories with your family.  Whether we are buying a load of scrap bread at the discount bakery to go feed the ducks & fish at the lake, going camping at a State Park, or taking an off-season cruise, it doesn't have to cost a fortune to have some serious fun.  My philosophy is this...we can always get more money, but we will never have opportunities to make memories with our family at "this age"...whatever that age happens to be.  We aren't guaranteed if my family faces tomorrow without me, I sure want them to have some pleasant memories from our time together.  That's not morbid...that's motivation.  (Ecclesiastes 5:18-20)

10. Be creative -  There are lots of ways to provide extra income for your family...and most of them are legal.  Don't make excuses about not knowing how to do something.  The internet, YouTube videos, Pinterest, and other venues make all excuse-making void.  Buy & sell stuff, make things, work a side job for a while, provide a service...just do something.  It's no harder for you than it is for most people.  Get to work for whatever you need & want.  You can do it. (Proverbs

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